Philipp Werner

Philipp Werner is a partner in the international law firm of McDermott Will & Emery, based in its Brussels office. His practice focuses on European and German competition law including State aid, merger control, cartels and abuse of dominance, and his clients include companies in the automotive, infrastructure, transport and health care sectors.
In State aid matters Philipp has particular experience advising companies on privatisations and restructuring. He has represented clients in EU and German merger control cases and has handled multijurisdictional filings for clients operating in a broad range of industries. His cartel experience includes counselling clients on horizontal cooperation and distribution agreements, and he has also advised on abuse of dominance cases. He also represents clients before the European and national courts.
Philipp has written extensively on competition law, most recently the chapter on State aid procedure in Münchner Kommentar zum Europäischen Beihilfenrecht (2010) and as co-author of "Private Antitrust Litigation in Germany: An Overview" Antitrust Litigator Vol. 8, No. 1 (Spring 2009). He has spoken widely on competition law including "State Aid Recovery - Recent Case Law", European Institute of Public Administration, Maastricht (2009).
Philipp is a member of the Studienvereinigung Kartellrecht e.V. and the Association Français d'Etude de la Concurrence.