The BSC intends to help disseminate research in competition law and economics. Its working papers series is opened to works carried out within the framework of the BSC but also welcomes external studies submitted by third parties (researchers, lawyers, economists). To be selected for publication within the BSC Working Papers Series, all papers undergo a peer review process. Papers (in French or in English) should be submitted to Prof. Nicolas Petit (Nicolas.Petit@ulg.ac.be) and Pierre Sabaddini ((psa@vbo-feb.be).
Important notice: publishing a paper on the Internet in the BSC Working Papers Series does certainly not undermine subsequent publication in a law review/book.
Working papers are intended to help authors improve draft/preliminary versions of articles. Upon request of author/editor, the BSC will remove published working papers of its website. The ideas and opinions conveyed in the BSC working papers are those of the author(s)' only, and shall not be attributed to the FEB/VBO.
- Petit, Nicolas and Neyrinck, Norman, Tying Law in Microsoft I and II - the Secret Art of Magic?
(November 10, 2010). Brussels School of Competition Working Paper Series - 1/2010.
Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1747181 - Petit, Nicolas, The Judgment of the European Court of Justice in VEBIC - A Tale of Two Statutory Loopholes
Brussels School of Competition Working Paper Series - 1/2011.
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The BSC publishes books on various topics of competition law. Reknowned practitionners and young talents are offered the possibility to address important competition law issues.
- Alternative enforcement techniques in EC competition law : Settlements, commitments and other novel instruments,
edited by Pr. Nicolas PETIT (ULg) and Charles GHEUR (FEB-VBO).
Editor : Bruylant, 264 pages - Parution : 05/2009 - Les fédérations d'entreprises et les règles de concurrence / Federaties van ondernemingen en mededingingsregels,
edited by Philippe LAMBRECHT (FEB-VBO) and Charles GHEUR (FEB-VBO).
Editor : Larcier
Forthcoming :
- Vertical Restraints And Distribution Agreements Under EU Competition Law,
edited by Pr. Nicolas PETIT (ULg) and Charles GHEUR (FEB-VBO).
The BSC and its professors regularly appear in the medias :
- La FEB lance une école, Olivier Fabes, published in Trends-Tendances, 19 August 2010.
- Une école pour la concurrence, Jean-François Munster, published in Le Soir, 19 August 2010.
- Chasse aux cartels, Olivier Fabes, published in Le Vif, 17 December 2010 (pp. 74-75).