Thomas Jestaedt

Thomas Jestaedt has practiced EU and German antitrust/competition law, EU state aid law, public procurement law, EU constitutional law, and international contracts law in Brussels for more than 20 years. He has represented clients in some of the largest European cartel cases in recent years.
He is recognized as one of the leading authorities in EU state aid law and has acted for investors and governments in investment aid proceedings. He assisted one European country in the privatization of its national airline and another in aligning its tax laws with EU state aid law.
He is coauthor of a leading German commentary on competition law, the main German-language publication on state aid law, the Lexis/Nexis European Competition Laws Guide, and has written more than 25 competition law articles.
He is listed among JUVE's 25 leading competition law experts in Germany and as highly recommended by Global Competition Counsel.