Andrea Lofaro

Andrea Lofaro started work in economic consultancy in 1998 after completing his PhD in Economics. His consulting experience includes work on numerous Phase II EC Merger Regulation cases in a range of industries including banking, energy, insurance, oil, online advertising, packaging, paper, petrochemical products and pharmaceuticals.
He has also worked on a number of high profile cartel and abuse of dominance cases. His clients have included Google, Oracle, GE, Sony BMG, Endesa, Heinz, Bombardier, Total and SEB Bank. He has given oral evidence before the EC Commission, the UK Competition Commission, the Italian competition authority (AGCM), the Belgian Conseil de la Concurrence and the South African Competition Commission and Tribunal.
Andrea has published widely on competition policy and industrial economics in journals including the Antitrust Bulletin, the European Competition Law Review, The European Business Organization Law Review, the European Journal of Political Economy and the Journal of Economics