Nicolas Petit

Nicolas Petit is Professor at the Law School of the University of Liege, Belgium, and Visiting Professor at the EDHEC Business School, Lille, France. He is the Director of the ULg LL.M. in European Competition and Intellectual Property Law, co-Director of the Institute for European Legal Studies and Director of the Global Competition Law Centre of the College of Europe.
He was formerly an Associate at Howrey LLP, Brussels and served as a Clerk at the Commercial Chamber of the French Supreme Court. He advised on a range of cases, in particular in cases involving high-tech industries and ICT companies. He holds a PhD in law (2007) which was prized both by the review Concurrences and by the International League of Competition Law.
In 2009, he was appointed International Reporter of the LIDC. In 2005 he was selected to become a member of Harvard Law School's Visiting Researchers Programme.
In addition to this, he is a member of the editorial board of the law review e-Competitions, senior editor of the online magazine Antitrust Chronicles.