Maria Lissowska

Maria Lissowska holds M.A. and Ph.D. in economics from the Warsaw School of Economics and also M.S. in mathematics and computer science from Warsaw University.
Till 2006 she worked as a professor for the Warsaw School of Economics, and in 1990-1992 for Université de Paris Panthéon-Sorbonne. Her teaching and research covered a broad spectrum of economics, in particular financial economics and institutional economics.
She is an author of about 50 articles. In 2008 she published a book : Institutions for Market Economy. The Case of Poland.
From 2007 she works for the Health and Consumers Directorate-General of the European Commission in a team responsible for economic analysis of consumer markets.
On behalf of the European Commission she cooperated with the Committee on Consumer Policy of the OECD and contributed to drafting of the Consumer Policy Toolkit of the OECD.