
6 The Law and Economics of Merger Control
fleche Outline
  1. Legal and Economic Objectives of Merger Control
  2. Historical Background to the EUMR
  3. Overview of the EUMR and Comparison with U.S. Merger Control Rules
  4. Jurisdictional Scope of the EUMR
  5. Division of Powers Between the Commission and Member States
  6. Product and Geographic Market Definition
  7. Substantive Assessment: Horizontal Mergers, Vertical Mergers, and Conglomerate Mergers
  8. Failing Firm Defense and Efficiencies
  9. Evidentiary Principles: Role of Economic and Other Evidence
  10. Procedural Issues
  11. Remedies
  12. Judicial Review

fleche Organization

The course is entirely taught in English, with 15 in-class hours.
The course takes place over a periode of three weeks, with three weekly lectures on Friday afternoons from 1:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
A lunch is provided at 12:30 p.m. prior to the beginning of each class.
Participants will receive a documentation pack.

fleche Tuition fee

The fee for the course is €500.
In-house lawyers and civil servants are eligible for a special reduced fee of €400.

fleche Venue

The course will take place on the premises of the Federation of Enterprises in Belgium (FEB), Rue Ravenstein 4, 1000 Brussels

fleche Registration

Download the apply form, print it out, fill in and return to Mr. Charles Gheur.

By e-mail :
By fax : +32 2 515 09 85
By post : Rue Ravenstein 4, 1000 Brussels